J O H N R A . M E Posts

Now that we have our idea and our visual mock ups, let’s start coding. I will be using Xcode 4.6.2, it is the latest at the time of this writing If you have never developed in Objective-C but did some other coding in C++ or C for example it should be pretty simple to catch up. I personally haven’t touched C or C++ since college, some 15 years ago. Even with knowledge of Java and C#, I was able to pick up Objective-C. I highly recommend reading iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide as well. Create a blank project Open Xcode from your dock. If it’s not on your dock,…

iOS Tutorial

Now that I have my iPhone App idea, I like to draft out on a piece of paper what my app will look visually. If you’re not a fan of drawing or can’t draw, here’s a simple online tool to help visualize your iPhone app. Looking at the content of the RSS feed from DZone, I want my application to look as follows. Don’t worry about getting every details right the first time. Trust me, it’ll evolve over time. Given the above, I know that I will need a tab bar to switch screens from Feature Links and Latest Links. I also want to…

iOS Tutorial

The hardest part is coming up with the idea. Given the success to failure ratio, don’t expect to make a quick buck building an app. Majority of developers barely break even. I’m in that failures bucket. Luckily, my primary objective is self-education. If the result of it interest/entertains others, great! Regardless, I’ve learned from the experience. For this tutorial, I’ve decided to make a DZone RSS app. This tutorial is a 7-part series: The Idea Putting Pen to Paper Interacting with web sites Parsing RSS XML Persisting RSS content Storyboarding In-App web browsing If you never visited DZone, I highly recommend it.…

iOS Tutorial

It has been a while since I’ve posted anything but this is definitely worth an entry. This is what you get when you add a star wars fan, a blizzard, and a lot of know-how in network technology. Here’s the blog from the originator


There are plenty of resources online that covers the same-origin policy so I will not go into details here. If interested, I highly recommend reading Google’s Browser Security Handbook. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) specification enables client-side open access across domain-boundaries generally restricted by same-origin policy. At a high-level, CORS allows client to opt-in to resources other than from same-origin. There are plenty of use cases where you need to share resources cross-origin. For example, Amazon may work with Facebook to leverage your friends’ feedbacks/recommendations while you browse through their products. If such service did exist, Amazon would opt-in to a CORS-enabled Facebook service. Echo ServiceI’ve…

JavaScript jQuery Tutorial