Category: <span>Open Source</span>

I’ve been planning to write some tutorials on design patterns. I just need to find some time and my day job at the corporate world has kept me busy. I plan to use this code base from a java tetris application I wrote a while back. I’ve done some clean ups – who’s not embarrassed by their old code. Don’t worry, I haven’t completely cleaned it up. After all, the plan is to write tutorials on design patterns that would help improve this code. My first topic, when I do get some time, will be Chain of Responsibility.

Java Open Source

Chances are you have seen Fluent Interface in action. I’ve seen it without realizing what they were until I stumbled across Martin Fowler’s blog. The aim is simple – to provide for a more readable code. SharePoint APISeveral years ago, I wrote a SharePoint API in Java to interact with its List Soap Service. This soap service had a feature to query the target list using Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML). Here’s an example of CAML query to filter the task list where the TaskName is “Foo Bar” and the Status is “In Progress”. As part of this SharePoint API,…

Java Open Source Patterns Tutorial

I’ve been meaning to contribute to open source for some time. I really didn’t have anything particularly in mind to what I wanted to publish. However, I’ve been dealing with varying degree of integration complexity to some of my application environments at the office. Inevitably, someone would scratch their head for several minutes trying to figure out why something failed only to realize that it was due to an external dependency. Needless to say, a simple tool that would provide a holistic view of the system could have saved them some pain. This could then be expanded to other environments: shared…

Java Open Source